Podcast from The Mindstream
Podcast from The Mindstream
The Biochemicals of Peace
Most of us believe inner peace is best discovered by removing stress. Since that is pretty difficult to achieve, we reach for anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medications instead. Actually the biochemicals of peace, tranquility, calmness and contentedness are held within your body, just waiting to be activated.
In this short podcast learn two things you can do each day that will help your body release those chemicals dependably. Our bodies have a secret ability. Many of us experience our physical bodies as being stressful and painful, so we naturally distance ourselves from cultivating these secrets. Pleasure, peace and contentment are not thoughts. They are not a product of our mind, alone. They are a product of our bodies' responses to specific actions. Wouldn't you like to learn those secrets and get back in your body where all the good stuff is?
Join me for this podcast!
Janet Doucette
Here is the link I mention in this episode: