Podcast from The Mindstream
Podcast from The Mindstream
GETTING TO GAMMA: Interview with the author
Welcome to an interview with the author of Getting to Gamma: A Journey for Those Who Didn't Expect to Take One. This book combines the science of mind-body medicine and biofeedback with the wisdom of meditation. Author and psychotherapist Janet Ware-Doucette discusses the Kickstarter Launch for her new book. Two chapters away from completion, with a resource portal website at https://janetdoucette.com, she discusses the timeliness of this book with the need to re-examine our lives and re-invent our means for success in a post pandemic world.
To Learn more, contribute, or watch a video about her book, visit her Kickstarter webpage. If she is fully funded, her supporters will receive advance editions in PDF, e-Book or print edition along with a limited edition "Official Blue Lotus Supporter" coffee mug.